Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Baby Stuffs and Food Poisonings

Ugh. Today was just about the worst day ever. 81 degrees, sunny, clear, and I was home from work. Did I get to go outside and enjoy the sunshine? Anope. I got poisoned by the deli next door to work yesterday- egg salad was a bad, bad choice. It's been just about 24 hrs, and I'm actually starting to be able to move again. Hooray for plain toast and tea.

OK! On to a much lighter and happier topic. For Clay and Kristin's baby shower, I had knit the TBA baby a couple of hats, some booties, and a soaker. These were all constructed pre-needles, on Knitting Looms. They ARE pretty cute though! I got to spend the weekend with the happy new parents and little Zoe, who is just over a month old.

Strawberry hat. Zoe is a good model.
This was the very first pom-pom I ever made. I love this hat, and I wish I could remember what yarn I used.
Blue wool soaker. My friends here use cloth diapers, and a soaker is intended to cover the cloth diaper, and keep the baby clean and dry. Unfortunately, I had no concept of baby sizes when I made this, so it's much too big to be just a diaper cover. Luckily, Zoe loves these as wooly shorts! They keep her toasty up there in the North.

My apologies for the crazy font colors and bad formatting. I'm just starting to learn all this blogger stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No no no that's not baby Clay and Kristen is it?